Public Talks and Invited Lectures (Selection)
- Formal and non-formal approaches to the notion of "Risk" — a historical perspective, Foundations of the Formal Sciences VII: Bringing Together Philosophy and Sociology of Science, Brussels, October, 21.-24. 2008
- Newtons ‘spirits’, Inaugural Lecture as "Privatdozent" at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, October, 31st 2007
- The Concept of 'Ether' in Hertz's Kiel Lectures and it's Meaning for the Concept of Space, International Conference: Heinrich Hertz and the Development of Communication, Hamburg October, 8.-12. 2007
- "Ordo existendi inter ea quae sunt simul" – Die Raumauffassung des späten Leibniz und der Bezug zum "vinculum substantiale" (The concept of space of the late Leibniz and its relation to the 'vinculum substantiale'), VIII. Internationaler Leibniz Kongress, Hannover 24.-29. Juli 2006
- On Leibniz‘s Concept of Space in the Exchange with Des Bosses, The Scientific Terminology of Space and Time in the Academic Disciplines of the 17th and 18th Century, International Symposium, Frankfurt am Main 2005
- The Concept of Space in the Leibniz-DesBosses Exchange, British Society for the History of Sience Annual Conference 2005, University of Leeds, Leeds 2005
- Prinzipien in der Geschichte der Physik (Principles in the History of Physics), Talk at the International Conference “Von der Physik zur Politik – Die Naturphilosophie Ernst Blochs” ("From Physics to Politics - The Natural Philosophy of Ernst Bloch"), Ludwigshafen 2005
- Albert Einstein und die Frankfurter Physik, (Albert Einstein and the Frankfurt Physicists), Lecture within the accompanying Program of the exhibition “Einstein: Man of the Century”, Frankfurt am Main 2004
- Space, God and forces: Physics and Metaphysics in Newton's Scholium Generale and On Leibniz' Principle of Indiscernibility, at: l'École d'été internationale en philosophie et histoire des idées, «Ames, Horloges, Atomes et Forces: modèles alternatifs de l'individu dans la pensée moderne», Château de Macea, Romania 2003
- Leibniz, Symmetries and Indiscernibility, in: “Aus Naturwissenschaften und Technik”, Scientific Lecture Series of the Physikalischer Verein, Frankfurt am Main 2002
- Emmy Noether: A Career as a Woman in early 20th century University Mathematics, Lecture, Clare Hall, Cambridge UK, 2001
- Zur Situation der Naturwissenschaften in Deutschland in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts (On the Situation of Science in Germany in the second half of the 19. Century), International Conference of the DFG Research Project: “Historisierung und gesellschaftlicher Wandel in Deutschland im 19. Jahrhundert”, Bad Homburg 2001
- Physik und Rationalität im Historischen Prozess (Physics and Rationality in the Historical Process), Symposium of the Physikalischer Verein Frankfurt and the Catholic Academy Rabanus Maurus, Frankfurt 2001
- Ununterscheidbarkeit bei Leibniz und Dirac (Indiscernibility in Leibniz and Dirac), Lecture Series of the Institute for History of Science, University of Hamburg, 2001
- "Historische Elemente einer Prinzipienphysik" (Historical Elements of a principle-based Physics) - Speech held on the occasion of the receipt of the Gernot and Carin Frank-Prize, Frankfurt 2001
- Indiscernibility as a basic property of quantum systems, Speech held at the Centenario-Conference on 100 Years of Quantum Mechanics, Madrid, Spain, 2000
- Interpretation der Quantenmechanik, Holismus und Weltbild (Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics, Holism and "Weltbild"), Philosophische Sommerakademie Juli 1997, Niedersächsische Naturschutzakademie
- Über P.A.M. Diracs Beitrag zur quantenmechanischen Elektronentheorie (On P.A.M. Driac's Contributions to the Theory of the Electron), Frühjahrstagung (Annual Conference) of the German Physical Society (DPG) – History of Physics Section