Dr. Frank Linhard

Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität
Frankfurt am Main
Department of Physics
Institute for the History of Science
Robert-Mayer-Str. 1
D - 60054 Frankfurt am Main

Tel. +49 (0) 69 798 22758
Fax. +49 (0) 69 798 23275

Clare Hall
Herschel Road
Cambridge CB3 9AL


    *1966 in Bad Vilbel. Studies in Physics, Mathematics and History of Science, at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt a. M. 1993 Diploma in Physics, thesis on "Temperature dependent Kohn-Sham-Theory". 1993 and 1994 "Research Assistant" at the Computing Centre of Goethe-University. 1995 Research supportet by a Scholarship of the State of Hesse. 1996-2000 "Research Associate" at the Institute for History of Science, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt a. M. 1999 Ph.D.-Graduation with a thesis on "Historische Elemente einer Prinzipienphysik (Historical Elements of a principle-based Physics)". Since 2000 "Research Associate" at the Centre for Early Modern Studies (ZFN) of Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt a. M. Lecturer at the Institute for History of Science in Frankfurt a. M.

    October 2001 - September 2002 Visiting Scholar at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, UK; and Visiting Fellow of Clare Hall College.

    Feodor-Lynen-Stipendiat of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation. Member of the Executive Council of the Physikalischer Verein Frankfurt.

    Director of the Otto Hahn Center of the Physikalischer Verein Frankfurt.



    • Scholarship of the State of Hesse 1995
    • Gernot und Carin Frank-Preis 2000
    • Visiting Scholar at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge (UK) 2001
    • Feodor-Lynen-Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation 2001
    • Visiting Fellow of Clare Hall College, Cambridge 2001/2002
    • Elected Life Member of Clare Hall 2002


    since 1993:
    Assistant Lecturer at the Institute for the History of Science, Department of Physics, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main
    since 1999:
    Lecturer at the Institute for the History of Science, Department of Physics, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main
    Lecturer at the Institute for English and American Studies, Department of Philologies, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main
    Lecturer at the Institute for English and American Studies, Department of Philologies, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main
    Lecturer at the Research Centre "Culture of Knowledge and Societal Change", Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main

    Research Interests:

    • History of Physical Theory
    • Leibniz as a physicist
    • Metaphysical Implications of Leibniz' Concept of Space
    • Helmholtz' Electrodynamical Theory; Heinrich Hertz as a theoretician
    • History of theoretical principles in the exact sciences
    • 'Perceptions' of the moon and their influences on general world views


    • IGN Preprint Series
    • Wheelers Experimente der Verzögerten Entscheidung (On Wheeler's Delayed Choice Experiments), in: System und Struktur 1994 (Band II/Heft 1)
    • Experimente zur Beeinflussung der Vergangenheit (Experiments having an Effect on the Past), in: P.Eisenhardt, D.Kurth, W.Saltzer und R.Zimmermann: "Die Erfindung des Universums?", Frankfurt 1994
    • Interpretation der Quantenmechanik, Holismus und Weltbild (Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics, Holism and "Weltbild"), Philosophische Sommerakademie Juli 1997, Niedersächsische Naturschutzakademie
    • Der Weg der Wahrheit (The Path of the Truth), mit P.Eisenhardt und K.Petanides, (eds.), Hildesheim 1999
    • Über P.A.M.Diracs Beitrag zur Elektronentheorie (On P.A.M.Driac's Contributions to the Theory of the Electron), in: Der Weg der Wahrheit, P.Eisenhardt, F.Linhard und K.Petanides, (eds.), Hildesheim 1999
    • Die Geburt der Naturwissenschaft aus dem Geiste des Griechentums - Einheit und Internalität der Naturwissenschaftsgeschichte (The Birth of Science out of the Spirit of Hellenism - Unity and Internalism in the Histroy of Science), in: Der Weg der Wahrheit, P.Eisenhardt, F.Linhard, K.Petanides, (eds.), Hildesheim 1999, p.1-15, mit P.Eisenhardt und K.Petanides
    • Historische Elemente einer Prinzipienphysik (Historical Elements of a principle-based Physics), Hildesheim 2000
    • Indiscernibility as a basic property of quantum systems, Speech held at the Centenario-Conference on 100 Years of Quantum Mechanics, Madrid, Spain, Nov. 2000
    • Keplers Schrift über den hexagonalen Schnee (On Kepler's essay on the hexagonal Snowflake), Zeitsprünge Heft 3 Band 4 (2000), p.247
    • "Historische Elemente einer Prinzipienphysik" (Historical Elements of a principle-based Physics) - Speech held on the occasion of the receipt of the Gernot and Carin Frank-Prize, in: Festschrift zur Akademischen Feier am 30. Juni 2000, Publikation des FB Physik, Frankfurt 2001
    • Klassische Mechanik (Classical Mechanics), FISCHER KOMPAKT, Frankfurt a. M. 2002
    • Atomismuskritik - Ununterscheidbarkeit und Prinzipienphysik bei Leibniz anhand eines Fragments aus den nachgelassenen philosophischen Schriften (Critisizing the Atom - Indiscernibility and principle-based Physics in a Leibniz fragment from his philosophical papers), Zeitsprünge Heft 1 Band 7 (2003), p.79-139
    • Zur Situation der Naturwissenschaften in Deutschland in der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts (On the Situation of Science in Germany in the second half of the 19. Century), in: Historisierung und gesellschaftlicher Wandel in Deutschland im 19. Jahrhundert, Ulrich Muhlack (ed.), Berlin 2003, p.159-174
    • Connecting Time and Space: An Internet-Mapserver on German and European History, with: A. Kunz, R. Moeschl, B. Johnen, W. Röss, Proceedings of the 21st International Cartographic Conference (ICC), "Cartographic Renaissance", Durban, South Africa 2003
    • Das adelige Genie, (Über Isaac Newton), in: Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Spezial: Forschung und Technik in der Renaissance, Heidelberg 2004.
    • Das Otto Hahn Zentrum in Frankfurt am Main, in: Forschung Frankfurt 3-4. 2004, p.73.
    • Prinzipien in der Geschichte der Physik, in: Rainer E. Zimmermann, (ed.), Naturallianz - "Von der Physik zur Politik – Die Naturphilosophie Ernst Blochs", Hamburg 2006, p.83-115.
    • "Ordo existendi inter ea quae sunt simul" - Die Raumauffassung des späten Leibniz und der Bezug zum "vinculum substantiale", in: Einheit in der Vielheit, H.Breger, J.Herbst, S.Erdner, (eds.), Hannover 2006, p.475-481.
    • Newton’s Principia in the Acta Eruditorum and Leibniz’ Concept of Space in the Exchange with Des Bosses, erscheint in: Zeitsprünge Heft 1/2 (2007).


    Renaissance-Institut Fachbereich Physik - Uni Frankfurt IGN Uni Frankfurt History of Science Society